
With rich flavors flowing down the throat, red wine can not only enhance the delicacies on the dining table, but also become a mild tranquilizer in a serene moment. Both tannins and the hidden smell of oak barrels make wine buffs under the spell. Through various textures and styles of wine’s bodies, we can have an adventurous, flavorful journey of cuisine for our taste buds.

來自寒冷的南澳庫納瓦拉地區的 Bin 128 希哈,每一個年份都與相對豐盈醇厚的 Bin 28 形成鮮明對比。Bin 128 的果實來自庫納瓦拉地區雪茄形狀土壤的紅土,一個體現了紅葡萄酒的芳香,透明度與誘人氣息的產區;始自1962 年的第一個年份開始,果實的主要來源均來自庫納瓦拉地區。為了體現 Bin 128 特有的地區特性,葡萄酒置於全新與舊的法國橡木桶中熟化 12個月。這手法由 1980 年代開始,酒莊以法國橡木桶取代了美國橡木桶後,一直沿用至今。鼠尾草和月桂葉香味, 配合從橡木味衍生而來的印度香料和黑色漿果味道;相比地區著名的明顯強勢/厚實的特性,這酒款口感醇和絲滑⋯⋯被平衡、泥土質感、顆粒狀的絲滑單寧覆蓋著。來自冷涼氣候的細緻口感,和小羔羊肉搭配良好─不會搶過食材的風味,同時酒中的礦物滋味和印度香料味和微甘甜的味噌結合,激盪出令人意想不到的味覺變化!
With each vintage release the coolclimate Bin 128 Coonawarra Shiraz provides an interesting counterpoint to the more opulent and richly concentrated warm climate Kalimna® Bin 28 Shiraz. Bin 128 comprises fruit sourced from the unique terra rossa soils of Coonawarra, a region that exemplifies the perfume, transparency and seductive nature of cool-climate red table wines. Coonawarra has remained the source of shiraz fruit for Bin 128 since the inaugural release of the 1962 vintage. In order to further enhance the regional qualities of Bin 128, the wine is matured in a mixture of new and seasoned French oak hogsheads, a method that was refined during the 1980’s when the transition was made from American to French oak. Sage and bay leaf coupled with Indian spices (oakderived) and dark-berried fruits.Type of oak? Tell-tale French. Velvety/viscous rather than manifesting the typical regional grip/attaque… shielded by an abundance of even, clay-like, grainy and slippery tannins.

源用Penfolds酒莊傳統風格造製的Bin 8 卡本內希哈,成熟、平衡的果實風味結合為料的橡木氣息造就了這款口感香醇柔潤的佳釀。Bin 8 是因應備受全球媒體讚譽的卡本內希哈混釀需求而釀造的;雖然Penfolds Bin 系列的命名一向依據酒莊窖號而訂,Bin 8 卻是因為在桶中熟成之時用了來自Bin 128、Bin 28 以及Bin 389的橡木桶,而以其共同號數”8”來命名。酒體完整、充分、平衡是主要的特點,形成了良好悠長的結構。在黑巧克力、摩卡咖啡的風味之後,泥土和蘑菇的複雜性仍然和諧地展現出來 。紅色水果風味增添了誘人的單寧、酸度以及色調。酒中迷人的香料氣息和飽滿的醇香感,與煙燻料理相呼應,襯托出料理的自然甘味。
Bin 8 has been crafted in the traditional Penfolds style. Ripe, balanced fruit flavours are supported by softly integrated oak resulting in an impressive, smooth red wine. It was introduced in response to a heightened interest in shiraz and cabernet blends– a classic Australian wine style that caught the attention of the international wine media. Although Bin numbers were originally named after the original Bin location after bottling, Bin 8 was given its number because it uses older oak previously used for Bin128, Bin 28 and Bin 389 – with ‘8’ obviously providing the common thread. Fresh and lively. Complete, full, balanced… good weight and length. Earthy/mushroom complexities remain comfortable in the wake of a thrust of dark chocolate, mocha. Gripping red fruits augment an appealing tannin/acidity attaque.
