舊振南餅店創始於西元1890年,秉持著「喜悅、信任」的精神,製作過程中,堅持純手工製餅的原則,提供給消費者「食的安心」、「值得信任」的商品,是百年來對消費者不變的承諾。舊振南目前在全台共有18個營業據點,擁有自營的電商。「 Taste Local ‧ Link Global」,舊振南致力於推廣漢餅美學與文化,要讓所有海內外的消費者,見識台灣味道與在地特色,朝華人漢餅第一品牌邁進。

Jiu Zhen Nan was founded in 1890. We have upheld the spirit of "joy and trust" to embody the cultural depth and convey respect and care for consumers through exquisite handmade Chinese pastry and offers consumers products that they can "eat with ease" and that are "trustworthy." With the ideal of "Taste Local ‧ Link Global," Jiu Zhen Nan is devoted to promoting the aesthetics and culture of Han Bing, and aims to share Taiwanese flavors and local features with customers in Taiwan and abroad as the best brand of Han Bing in the Chinese world.